footprints of the past and present already mark the Lobo Trail.

We can pick out the Mogollon Rim in satellite images, making a great diagonal wild edge across Arizona from northwest to the southwest. The rock bones of the land beneath us bend our geography, history, and the flow of life to this same course.

This is a terrestrial pathway from Grand Canyon to New Mexico’s Gila country, for wildlife and for wilderness lovers, connecting two beloved national scenic trails, the Arizona Trail and the Continental Divide Trail. We envision designating the Lobo Trail as a national scenic trail across the Mogollon Rim, connecting and then following the AZT south and the CDT north to originating points at South Rim and near Silver City, NM.

tread this trail with a wild heart.

Human-powered recreation in glorious scenery meets conservation of wild places and wildlife in the National Scenic Trails Act and here in Mogollon Rim country.

help bring the lobo trail’s stories to life.

  • Protect and highlight ecological, scenic, and cultural values.
  • Support opportunity for design of a story trail with Indigenous leadership and multicultural interpretation.
  • Support opportunity to create an Indigenous led trail association.
  • Preserve the direct experience of moving along a regional wildlife corridor, on the paws of wildlife on the move, engage trail users in greater awareness and stewardship of the deeper story.
  • Support the opportunites to create reciprocal healing; recreation and restoration economy; job training and leadership for Indigenous communities; and diversity in the wild outdoors.

take action.

Click the bigcat pawprint to volunteer with Rim Country Trail Stewards on the Mogollon Rim.

Learn more…